Menopause and perimenopause are crucial stages in a woman’s life that can bring with them a number of physical and emotional changes. Reduced ovarian hormone secretions during these periods can lead to hot flushes, pain, fatigue, changes in bone mass, morphology, skin and hair, as well as increased cardiovascular risks. However, although ageing brings with it certain changes, with proper lifestyle care, we can age in a healthy way, feeling energetic and strong.
Perimenopause: An Opportunity for Self-Care
Perimenopause is the prelude to menopause, a stage that alerts us to the changes ahead. It is the ideal time to become aware and start taking real care of ourselves. Hormonal changes are felt both in the body and in the mind, and the intensity of these symptoms may depend, in part, on our lifestyle. It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself; you can do it now or at 70, it’s up to you, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll integrate those self-care habits and the better you’ll age.
Nutrition: Key to a Healthy Menopause
During this stage, the help of a dietitian-nutritionist can be essential to rebalance your diet without restriction or frustration. Between 20-25% of women suffer from dietary problems associated with miracle diets, so it is important to keep things in perspective and stay positive. Let’s take advantage of the benefits of good nutrition and physical activity to get through this period with peace of mind, following principles that combine pleasure and long-term health.
Some keys to a balanced diet are:
- Increase protein intake: low-fat white meats, fish, eggs and pulses are essential for maintaining muscle and bone mass.
- Limit sugary and ultra-processed products: Prefer whole grains, which have a lower glycaemic index and reduce the need for insulin.
- Increase omega-3 intake: Oily fish and oilseeds help regulate inflammation, control weight and reduce cardiovascular risks.
- Get enough fibre: Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are filling and provide vitamins and minerals.
- Consume products rich in calcium and vitamin D: Dairy products, almonds, cruciferous vegetables and certain mineral waters help maintain bone health.
- Eat three regular main meals: Avoid snacking and limit foods that can disrupt body temperature and rest.
Adjusting Lifestyle
Hormonal changes in perimenopause and postmenopause require adjustments in lifestyle and diet. A diet poor in energy and protein only puts the body on alert, causing it to retain fat. Therefore, it is essential:
- Eat three meals a day that contain sufficient energy, protein, fibre and fat.
- Incorporate pulses, cruciferous vegetables, oily fish, fruit, raw vegetables, nuts and seeds into weekly menus.
- Maintain a balance between animal and vegetable proteins.
- Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.
- Enjoy food and prepare simple and delicious dishes that appeal to the whole family.
Motivation and Action
Changing eating and lifestyle habits is a significant challenge, but understanding the reasons for change is essential. Motivation is not about willpower, but about having clear reasons for action. Reflect on your reasons for seeking change and take action. These motives will be your compass on difficult days, helping you to stay on the path to a healthier, more balanced life.
The Importance of Sleep and Rest
Sleep hygiene is crucial to enjoying a restful night’s sleep. Establishing a proper sleep routine can be your superpower for real restful nights. Knowing the principles of chronobiology and chrononutrition will allow you to synchronise your body rhythms with your habits, boosting your energy and health.
Coping with Menopausal Symptoms
Chronic low-grade inflammation is common in perimenopause and postmenopause, and can cause symptoms such as weight gain, skin problems, difficulty sleeping, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and mood swings. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in antioxidants, fibre and omega-3s can help mitigate these symptoms.
Skin and the passage of time
Menopause also affects the skin, reducing collagen production and skin hydration, and increasing vulnerability to UV damage. Adopting a skin care routine and using appropriate products can help keep skin healthy and radiant.
In summary, perimenopause and menopause are challenging times, but with the right dietary and lifestyle changes, you can face these changes with energy and vitality. It’s not just about accepting ageing, but embracing this stage with a positive and proactive attitude. The key is to take care of yourself, listen to your body and make adjustments that allow you to live a full and healthy life – it’s time to take action and make your wellbeing a priority!